Thursday, 6 September 2007

Whistle – stop tour of the New Testament

Whistle – stop tour of the New Testament

New Testament can be divided into four main areas:

  • Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke [synoptic = seeing together], John
  • Acts of the Apostles: …all that Jesus continued to do through the church
  • Epistles: letters written to churches + individuals BY Paul, Peter, John, James, Jude
  • Revelation: spocalypse = unveiling “what must soon take place”, Rev 1:1

14 sections of the story running through the second part of the Bible

    1. silence is broken
    2. preparation
    3. good news at last
    4. Immanuel
    5. purpose
    6. passion
    7. resurrection
    8. age of the spirit
    9. new covenant
    10. sin forgiven
    11. Christ in us
    12. blessing for all mankind
    13. end times
    14. new heavens and new earth face to face

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